Remote Weight Monitoring & How it Aids in Obesity Management

Telehealth and Remote Weight Monitoring can help with long-term obesity care

The following article focuses on how remote weight monitoring and telehealth programs are helping in obesity care management and creating better patient outcomes. With remote weight monitoring and regular telehealth appointments, patients use digital scales to measure body weight. The measurement is transmitted to their physician, who utilizes the data to track the patient between visits and provide care services as required.

Remote Weight Monitoring and Obesity Management 

Obesity costs the U.S. healthcare system roughly $173 billion annually. Even more concerning, obesity can lead to heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. All of these diseases are the leading causes of preventable, premature death. According to the CDC, from 1999–2000 through 2017–2018, the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity increased from 30.5% to 42.4%. Severe obesity also rose from 4.7% to 9.2%

While obesity and other chronic disease prevalence continue to increase, experts say the U.S. will face a shortage of primary care physicians ranging from 21,000 to 55,000 by 2033. With the increase in obesity rates, there are not enough specialists to treat all patients requiring treatment. 

Improving obesity care in primary care settings faces several barriers. Remote weight monitoring is one approach to overcoming these obstacles in obesity treatment. A systematic review of obesity interventions found that combining in-person visits with remote care provided by a healthcare team was more effective than traditional care alone.

Obesity: the Most Undertreated Chronic Disease 

Obesity is one of the most undertreated chronic diseases. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 2011 and 2018 revealed that only 40% of adults with obesity reported receiving counseling from their physician to lose weight. Patients who received weight loss counseling from their doctor were significantly more likely to attempt weight loss than those who did not.

Therefore, personalized counseling to address obesity in primary care settings could substantially impact public health. It is crucial to increase physician awareness of the importance of treating obesity as a medical issue. Telehealth and remote patient monitoring can help by increasing access to intensive behavioral interventions for obesity.

How Remote Weight Monitoring Can Help with Long-Term Obesity Management  

Remote patient monitoring allows the patient to manage their condition in a comfortable home environment. Remote patient monitoring for patients measures vital signs such as blood pressure which is often used in obesity management. Remote weight monitoring works well when combined with telehealth visits that focus on the review of behavior changes, weight loss progress, barriers, and medication monitoring.

Evidence shows that telemedicine interventions for weight loss provide meaningful clinical improvements in body weight, physical activity, and nutrition. A digital remote weight monitoring scale is used in remote weight monitoring. It automatically transmits patient weight measurements to their physician wirelessly. Remote weight monitoring scales are used in hospitals, patient homes, and assisted living environments. These remote patient monitoring devices assist in treatment planning in the following ways.  

  • Monitor the patient’s weight 
  • Track changes in patient weight
  • Alert healthcare providers of sudden weight gain or loss
  • Allow for medication and treatment plan adjustment
  • Identify signs of related health concerns 
  • Understand nutrition and hydration levels
  • Spot nutritional deficiencies

Treatment Plans in Obesity and Associated Chronic Diseases 

Treatment for obesity includes remote patient monitoring for weight loss programs that encourage weight management through healthy eating, physical activity, and lifestyle changes. However, some people with obesity cannot lose enough weight or are unable to keep from regaining weight. In addition, the human body sometimes develops specific mechanisms that resist weight loss, which can challenge weight loss and maintenance. 

Therefore, a physician might suggest other treatments, such as weight-loss medicines, medical devices, or bariatric surgery, to lower the chances of developing chronic diseases related to obesity. In addition, remote patient monitoring can track multiple vital signs in comorbid chronic diseases like diabetes, congestive heart failure, or obesity

Telehealth & Remote Weight Monitoring: Aids in Long-Term Obesity Management 

In a single-center study, 99 patients using telemedicine technology showed a significant BMI reduction compared to the control group at the end of 3 and 6 months. Additionally, at the end of 6 months, the telemedicine group showed a significant decrease in postprandial blood glucose, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and a waist-to-hip ratio.

Remote weight monitoring and telehealth weight-management programs are showing significant benefits for patients with barriers to care. Such Barriers may include the following:

  • Living in rural and medically underserved communities,
  • Shortage of obesity specialists, and
  • Lack of comprehensive treatment programs.

For example, nearly 95% of patients in a behavioral weight program offered in seven primary care practices in South Carolina reported that they would only have been able to participate in a weight-management program with telemedicine. 

Remote Weight Monitoring Improved Patient Outcomes & Treatment Adherence 

Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring allows physicians to connect with patients digitally and help support patient treatment plans. Remote weight monitoring devices like digital scales, smartphones, pedometers, and accelerometers can help with treatment adherence and better patient outcomes. The patient’s weight data is instantly digitally transmitted to a physician, and the data is used to monitor the patient’s health over time. This allows healthcare professionals to track their patient’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to treatment plans.

Tracking of chronic conditions related to obesity, such as congestive heart failure, diabetes, and high blood pressure, can be fulfilled with remote patient monitoring devices such as a wireless blood pressure meter, remote blood glucose meter, and a pulse oximeter

Furthermore, physicians can quickly access all patient vital sign data from anywhere to make patient care decisions. These connected health devices also set thresholds to alert them of any changes in patient condition. The daily data allows the patient to see how lifestyle adjustments affect their weight, blood pressure, and glucose, engaging the patient in managing their health.

A systematic review of remote patient monitoring via non-invasive digital technologies showed that taking blood pressure and tracking weight has been shown to help with symptom severity and reduce patient visits and hospitalizations. This is important because 75 percent of healthcare expenditures come from the 100 million Americans with chronic conditions. Remote patient monitoring substantially lowers healthcare spending for patients and healthcare systems. 

Telehealth & Remote Weight Monitoring Key Points

Using a remote patient monitoring program to track a patient’s weight-loss progress continuously can help to prevent weight gain and life-threatening medical complications. Remote weight monitoring aids in long-term obesity management, keeping patients and practitioners well-informed, and helps both parties gain insight into weight gain and loss concerns. Likewise, remote weight monitoring helps primary care physicians create customized weight management plans.

Tenovi remote patient monitoring offers remote weight scales that are accurate and easy to use. Our solutions boost workflow efficiency, patient satisfaction, and revenue. You can book a free RPM demo today.

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