What are the Best RPM Devices for Chronic Kidney Disease Monitoring?

remote chronic kidney disease monitoring for patients and how it works

Recent research shows that remote patient monitoring (RPM) can improve outcomes for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, including increased treatment adherence, better quality of life, reduced hospitalizations, and lower healthcare costs. RPM enables patients to communicate with physicians and receive care, reminders, and education between in-office visits. With remote chronic kidney disease monitoring, patients and physicians gain insights to help manage chronic kidney disease across all stages. 

This article outlines how telehealth and remote kidney monitoring aid in early identification and prompt intervention that effectively manages chronic kidney disease and lowers healthcare costs. We also highlight FDA-cleared remote monitoring devices that are used for tracking CKD patients’ blood pressure, blood glucose, weight, and oxygen saturation.

Data on Chronic Kidney Disease

About 35 million Americans have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. Still, many remain undiagnosed. CKD is among the highest cause of death in the United States, with diabetes and high blood pressure noted as the leading causes of kidney failure. These statistics suggest that preventive solutions such as remote chronic kidney disease monitoring are beneficial to explore.

First, kidneys play a critical role in filtering the digestive system of impurities, regulating blood pH, and maintaining a healthy mineral balance in the body.

Specifically, kidneys are responsible for the following:

  • Filtering wastes and toxins from the blood.
  • Regulating fluid levels.
  • Releasing a hormone that regulates blood pressure.
  • Activating vitamin D is necessary for maintaining healthy bones.
  • Releasing a hormone that directs the production of red blood cells.
  • Keeping blood minerals in balance (sodium, phosphorus, potassium.)

CKD-Related Health Risks and Financial Costs

Chronic kidney disease occurs when kidneys are damaged and cannot properly filter blood. Due to this, excess fluid and waste remain in the blood, causing further health complications for CKD patients, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Weak bones
  • Nerve damage/neuropathy
  • Kidney failure/end-stage kidney disease (ESRD)
  • Anemia/low red blood cell count

Not all patients with kidney disease progress to kidney failure. Although, kidney disease often goes undetected until advanced stages, when dialysis or a transplant becomes necessary. Therefore, regular chronic kidney disease monitoring and early detection of kidney disease is key, especially for at-risk patients. Healthcare systems can benefit from staying informed about new technology remote patient monitoring devices from reputable RPM companies for patients with chronic kidney disease. 

Early identification, treatment solutions, and patient engagement are essential to effective chronic disease management. Remote patient monitoring promotes all three of these factors. Additionally, RPM reduces healthcare costs. In 2024, Medicare paid an estimated $6.7 billion to approximately 7,900 end-stage renal disease facilities for furnishing renal dialysis services. 

What is Remote Chronic Kidney Disease Monitoring?

Remote chronic kidney disease monitoring monitors certain biometric data in kidney disease. One of the many benefits of remote patient monitoring is that homebound patients or those in rural areas can receive care, education, reminders, and monitoring from their homes. Remote patient monitoring is not a substitute for in-office visits. However, it can aid in treatment management between visits.

Moreover, telehealth and remote patient monitoring studies show that patients with chronic kidney disease have improved efficiencies, and fewer emergency room visits and hospital admissions. Telehealth and remote patient monitoring technology engages and comforts patients living with chronic conditions like chronic kidney disease. Remote kidney patient monitoring is used for all chronic kidney disease stages, including patients on home dialysis. It helps make it easy for those with kidney disease to keep close contact with their nephrologist.

Patients on remote monitoring must adhere to using their devices at least 16 days every month to qualify for Medicare reimbursement. These regular readings provide physicians with an accurate depiction of the patient’s condition between visits. More data between office visits allows clinicians to fine-tune treatment plans quickly. Physicians can observe how their patients respond to medications and promptly adjust prescriptions. Because RPM devices vary, choosing the best FDA-cleared devices is particularly important. 

RPM Devices for Chronic Kidney Disease Monitoring

This section covers chronic care management companies to know which devices deliver the best patient, physician, and healthcare team experience. Remote patient monitoring software and hardware devices vary greatly in sophistication and delivery method. Consider the following features when reviewing remote patient monitoring hardware and software solutions.

  • Device accuracy
  • Wireless cellular coverage
  • Data Security
  • API integration
  • Fulfillment integration
  • Device diagnostics
  • Ready to use out of the box

The following section covers the best devices for remote chronic kidney disease monitoring.

1) Chronic Kidney Disease Monitoring: Blood Pressure Monitor

Chronic kidney disease often causes complications such as high blood pressure. In fact, approximately 20% or 1 in 5 U.S. adults with high blood pressure may also have chronic kidney disease. Methods such as lowering salt and fluid intake and medications may be subscribed to CKD patients.

Decreasing blood pressure helps avoid further complications such as stroke or heart failure. Remote blood pressure monitoring devices are continually evolving and advancing. These tools make daily tracking easy while giving physicians a steady stream of data to monitor. With remote patient monitoring, physicians can set alerts to notify them if a reading exceeds a certain threshold. 

Since blood pressure readings are taken at home, where a patient is generally more comfortable and relaxed than in a clinical setting, RPM helps differentiate white-coat hypertension from true hypertension. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, it is important to distinguish which type of hypertension a patient is experiencing, as white-coat hypertension is not benign. Masked hypertension is associated with a higher risk of mortality than sustained hypertension. 

With remote patient monitoring, once the patient takes a reading, it is automatically sent in real-time to the RPM portal, which stores the blood pressure reading. This data accumulates fast; a patient’s health history develops, giving physicians valuable insights into treating the patient. It also lets the patient see firsthand how lifestyle adjustments affect their blood pressure. Therefore, the best remote blood pressure monitoring devices for chronic kidney disease monitoring are easy to understand and help to quickly engage the patient and get them involved in managing their health.

2) RPM Wireless Blood Glucose Meter 

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease in the U.S., and 1 out of 3 adults with diabetes also have kidney disease. Glucose and insulin metabolism in patients with diabetes are significantly altered by advanced chronic kidney disease. As previously mentioned, healthy kidneys start with managing blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Additionally, physical activity can help prevent kidney disease and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. 

Researchers at the University of Virginia Health System found that remote patient monitoring devices with a factory-calibrated continuous glucose monitor (CGM) effectively measured changes in blood sugar levels for people on dialysis, allowing health professionals to help improve diabetes management. 

The best wireless blood glucose meters for chronic kidney disease monitoring are FDA, CE, and EN-certified. Additionally, they are powered by two coin-sized batteries, and test time takes only 5 seconds. The patient takes the reading while the blood glucose reading is clearly displayed on a large LCD screen. Simultaneously, data is automatically sent to the RPM cloud, where the clinician views the data in the RPM portal.

3) Chronic Kidney Disease Monitoring Wireless Scale

Another common symptom of chronic kidney disease is excess fluid in the body. Extra fluid results in weight gain. This is a result of the kidneys’ inability to remove extra fluid. Therefore, patients must closely monitor daily fluid intake in addition to weight. Furthermore, regular weight monitoring for patients who require dialysis is vital. 

The best wireless remote patient monitoring digital scales are FDA, CE, and EN certified with industry-leading accuracy. Patients insert the included batteries when they receive the scale, which works immediately. High-precision wireless scales allow patients to track their weight and body composition regularly. Scales can even identify how much of the weight is bone, muscle, fat, or water. Once the patient steps on the scale, the reading is transmitted to the physician in real-time. Thus, patients and healthcare providers can consistently monitor and quickly assess if fluid intake should be adjusted. 

4) Wireless Pulse Oximeter for Remote Kidney Monitoring

Finally, a wireless pulse oximeter (POx) is used in chronic kidney disease monitoring to measure oxygen levels and heart rates for patients with CKD. Low oxygen saturation may indicate lung fluid congestion from heart failure, heart attack, or other respiratory diseases and illnesses. If there is an increase or decrease in heart rate, a physician is notified with an alert to assess if there is an increased potential for a heart attack, heart failure, or other medical concern. Wireless remote pulse oximeters help with the early detection of serious conditions and allow medical professionals to intervene as needed quickly.

The best wireless pulse oximeters are battery-powered and are FDA, CE, and EN certified. Easy-to-use devices offer one-step, seamless recordings. An LCD screen displays blood oxygen saturation, pulse rate, and perfusion index, seamlessly sending to a clinician portal for review.

RPM and Chronic Disease Management

Advances in telehealth and remote patient monitoring technology solutions empower patients to manage their chronic kidney disease, aiming to optimize their health outcomes. Furthermore, the best remote patient monitoring devices for chronic conditions like kidney disease allow real-time remote tracking. This makes it easy for patients to track their readings, and physicians can observe vital sign data regularly between in-office visits. For example, individuals at risk of stroke will benefit from using a quality blood pressure monitor.

Patients who use remote physiological services such as chronic kidney disease monitoring are much less likely to be admitted into hospitals, utilize emergency departments, and require complicated procedures. In addition to chronic kidney disease monitoring, remote patient monitoring improves the management of various chronic diseases, including:

Tenovi RPM Devices: A Better Experience

Depending on what condition the patient has or is at risk for, different vital signs require monitoring. For example, a wireless blood pressure monitor device benefits individuals at risk of stroke or kidney disease. At the same time, those with diabetes want to monitor blood glucose levels with a wireless blood glucose meter. The remote patient monitoring device must be the best FDA-cleared device available. 

Learn which Tenovi RPM device is ideal for each chronic disease.»

Early identification and prompt intervention are key to managing chronic conditions such as chronic kidney disease. Would you like to schedule a free demo and consultation today with Tenovi? Tenovi offers a better RPM experience for patients, physicians, and healthcare teams with the automatic and secure transmission of patient measurements within seconds. No syncing. No apps. It just works. 

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