The Impact of Remote BP Monitoring on Stroke Survivors

Research in remote bp monitoring

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a major risk factor for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Keeping blood pressure under control is key to managing hypertension but can be challenging. That is especially true for vulnerable populations facing barriers to healthcare access. Remote blood pressure (BP) monitoring offers a promising solution for these challenges.

Study: Remote BP Monitoring Reduces Hypertension in Stroke Survivors

A recent landmark study by researchers at NYU Langone has shown the immense potential of remote blood pressure monitoring paired with nurse support to manage hypertension in low-income Black and Hispanic stroke survivors effectively.

This article discusses how remote BP monitoring, combined with comprehensive nurse support, can significantly improve health outcomes for these populations.

The study enrolled 450 predominantly low-income Black and Hispanic participants who had previously suffered a stroke and had uncontrolled hypertension despite treatment. All participants received remote BP monitoring devices to take 12 readings per week for one year. However, one group of 224 patients received enhanced care through 20 telephonic counseling calls with RPM nurse case managers over the 12 months, in addition to just remote BP monitoring.

Patient blood pressure measurements were wirelessly transmitted to their physician portal for review. Readings that fell outside of an acceptable range triggered a clinician’s call to the patient.

Study Results 

The results showed a difference in reducing systolic blood pressure, the top number in a blood pressure reading. At 12 months, the group receiving only remote BP monitoring had their systolic blood pressure reduced by 5.8 mmHg on average. However, the group that received nurse case management along with home monitoring saw a much greater average systolic blood pressure reduction of 15.1 mmHg. 

This difference was statistically significant. The group that received nurse case management saw a 2.5 times greater decline in systolic blood pressure compared to the group that only used remote BP monitoring.

Comprehensive Care with Nurse Support

With the added support of nurses, who provided counseling on lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and medication adherence, as well as education on stroke symptoms and hypertension management, patients could better understand their condition and address the barriers they faced to making positive changes.

The difference in systolic blood pressure reduction during the course of remote BP monitoring shows that a comprehensive approach using telehealth with innovative care models can begin to reduce healthcare inequities. Low-income minority populations carry a disproportionate burden of hypertension and stroke risk. Lack of access to quality care and preventive resources perpetuates these disparities.

Overcoming Barriers with Remote Patient Monitoring

Bringing remote BP monitoring with counseling directly into patients’ homes help overcome logistical barriers and provide the personalized support that may be lacking. Trained nurses can address each individual’s unique challenges, from affording medications to sticking with diet changes. This level of continuity of care is invaluable.

While the study did not find a significant difference in recurrent strokes between the two groups over two years, the authors emphasize that longer-term data is still needed on clinical outcomes. However, lowering blood pressure alone is a major victory.

As telehealth advances, programs like this enhanced remote BP monitoring approach could be widely implemented to proactively manage chronic conditions in underserved communities. With the right support beamed into their living rooms, patients gain the power to take control of their health. And that is a future we can all get behind.

While the study did not find a significant difference in recurrent strokes between the two groups over two years, the authors emphasize that longer-term data on clinical outcomes are still needed.

Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring with Tenovi

Tenovi offers an accurate, easy-to-use blood pressure monitor (BPM) solution and RPM services that boost workflow efficiency and patient satisfaction and generate revenue. You can schedule a free demo and get ready to meet a better RPM experience with Tenovi.

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