New Research & The Power of Remote Patient Monitoring for Post-Surgical Home Care 

new studies in post surgical home care and remote patient monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) for post surgical home care has ushered in a new era of healthcare. Remote medical monitoring, wearable devices, digital health platforms, and technological advancements have significantly enhanced patient outcomes. This article examines how remote patient monitoring for post surgical home care improves postoperative care delivery, early detection and prevention, and patient outcomes.

Enhancing Post Surgical Home Care with Remote Patient Monitoring

RPM and wearable devices gather real-time physiologic signals, extending patient evaluation beyond traditional in-person encounters. Post surgical home care opens up significant opportunities to improve postoperative care by remotely assessing surgical wounds, monitoring functional status, ensuring pain control, and identifying early signs of clinical deterioration. In addition, emerging evidence and case studies suggest that remote patient monitoring in surgical care can reduce complication rates.

Transforming Postoperative Care Delivery 

Researchers continue to evaluate the effectiveness of RPM in various postoperative procedures. For instance, a randomized prospective trial by Lee et al. assessed the impact of a post surgical home care program on liver transplant patient outcomes. The study found that telehealth patients had a significantly lower 90-day readmission rate than standard care. This indicates the potential for remote monitoring to reduce hospital readmissions. 

Furthermore, these patients reported improved quality of life in physical function and general health at the 90-day mark. The study provides compelling evidence that telemedicine and RPM have the potential to significantly influence the outcomes and overall experience of patients undergoing major operations. 

Combining remote monitoring is not just limited to understanding the overall postoperative course but can also revolutionize delivering care. A study published this week: The Digital Transformation of Surgery, shows that using smartphones for postoperative surveillance of surgical site infections is equally effective as in-person follow-up assessments. This indicates that wearable devices can safely and efficiently monitor wound healing, reducing the need for additional healthcare visits.

Remote Patient Monitoring Research in Post Surgical Home Care

An integrative review of current published literature on RPM in gynecologic and urologic surgical oncology showed that post surgical home care with remote patient monitoring is feasible, acceptable, and viable for tracking postoperative recovery and maintenance. Another study focused on older cancer patients who underwent remote patient monitoring at home after surgery. Results showed the postoperative monitoring program greatly benefited these patients. Furthermore, once they agreed to participate, the patients demonstrated high levels of cooperation, resulting in a high completion rate.

Another exciting development is the use of non-contact video cameras to monitor vital signs, allowing for early detection of physiological deterioration. This innovative approach is a less disruptive, more efficient, post-surgical home care early warning system. By promptly identifying signs of deterioration, healthcare professionals can intervene early, preventing adverse outcomes and improving patient outcomes.

The advancements in remote patient monitoring have paved the way for a potential paradigm shift to post surgical home care. Some large academic medical centers have successfully implemented digital technology-enabled home hospital programs, enabling patients to recover safely from surgery in their homes. This patient-centric approach promotes faster recovery and reduces rehospitalization resource burden and readmissions.

Key Points: Remote Patient Monitoring in Post-Surgical Home Care

Remote patient monitoring for post surgical and wound care services at home through wearable devices revolutionizes postoperative management, enabling remote assessment, early detection of complications, and personalized care delivery. As a result, the future holds immense potential for a patient-centered approach, where surgical recovery from cancer and other conditions can be efficiently and effectively monitored from the comfort of one’s home. As a result, we can expect improved patient outcomes and enhanced surgical care. 

Tenovi Cellular Gateway and Tenovi RPM devices make monitoring vital signs and sharing results easy, safe, and secure for telehealth companies, RPM service and software companies, and chronic care management companies. Schedule a free demo with Tenovi to learn more about our remote health monitoring services. Visit the Tenovi Blog for more research and case studies in remote patient monitoring. 

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