How Remote Patient Monitoring is Optimizing Chronic Disease Management

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Remote patient monitoring (RPM) for chronic disease management has emerged as a powerful solution for patients dealing with chronic illnesses. Research demonstrates the advantages of RPM for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure. Remote patient monitoring leads to decreased emergency department visits, prevention of hospital readmissions, and shorter hospital stays.

This article reveals 3 benefits of remote patient monitoring in improving chronic disease management and transforming its applications.

Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring for Chronic Disease Management

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability nationwide. In fact, four in 10 adults in the U.S. have two or more chronic conditions. And $4.1 trillion in annual health expenditure is allocated to chronic disease management. Without significant change, these numbers are only expected to rise. By implementing remote patient care, clinicians can significantly reduce healthcare costs and promote better allocation of resources for improving chronic disease management.

A remote patient monitoring program uses technology to transmit data from a patient’s home to the clinician for review and intervention. When patients are enrolled in remote patient monitoring for chronic disease management, they use a connected health device that allows them to measure specific vital signs from their homes. Clinicians receive that information in real-time and can access it whenever they want.

Below are 3 significant reasons why remote patient monitoring can transform chronic disease management.

1). Promotes Early Identification of Chronic Disease

Most patients only see their doctor when their condition becomes problematic or it’s time for their next appointment. But what if something goes wrong in between visits? If the patient doesn’t know what to look for, complications will continue to develop.

Remote patient monitoring for chronic disease management promotes better care in between visits. By keeping track of patients’ vital signs regularly, clinicians will better understand their patients’ conditions and be alerted immediately if medical attention is necessary. The RPM device sends real-time readings to the remote patient monitoring platform for the clinician to access immediately.

Clinicians will automatically be alerted for quick action when a patient’s reading is above or below the set threshold. Remote patient monitoring promotes the early identification of chronic diseases. Furthermore, the earlier complications are identified, the sooner patients can get treatment and minimize the progression of chronic disease.

2). RPM Prompts Adjustments to Treatment Plans

Another way remote patient monitoring with at-home health monitoring devices helps improve chronic care management is through timely adjustments to treatment plans. Through the RPM portal, clinicians can check how their patients are doing whenever they want. As a result, they can see how their patients respond to medications and adjust prescriptions as necessary.

Without remote patient monitoring for chronic disease management, many patients go months with an ineffective or unoptimized treatment plan. Remote patient monitoring can help patients find a treatment plan that works for them while reducing chronic disease progression.

3). Remote Patient Monitoring Increases Patient Engagement

We all know how to live healthier lives, but it’s challenging to apply those practices to your everyday life consistently. Digital health and remote patient monitoring are about expanding healthcare outside the conventional hospital setting and into the patient’s daily lifestyle. It helps patients feel supported in managing their health. Because they know that their care providers regularly check their health data, patients are more likely to engage in healthier lifestyle choices and adhere to their management plans.

Patients play an essential role in remote patient monitoring for chronic disease management. They’re responsible for taking their vital sign measurement at least 16 days a month. While this provides clinicians with valuable insight, it also helps the patients engage and better understand their condition. Regular measurements allow patients to recognize a normal range for their bodies. They can see if their health is improving or worsening over time and how changes to their lifestyle choices affect their readings.

The better the patient understands their condition and engages, the more likely they are to practice healthier behaviors, keep an eye out for complications, and communicate with their clinician.

Using Remote Patient Monitoring for Chronic Disease Management

Using remote patient monitoring for chronic disease management makes patients much less likely to be admitted into hospitals, use emergency departments, and require complicated procedures. This significantly reduces healthcare costs.

Remote patient monitoring improves the management of various chronic diseases, including:

Depending on the patient’s condition, different vital signs must be monitored. For example, individuals at risk of stroke or kidney disease will benefit from using a remote blood pressure monitoring device. At the same time, those with diabetes will need to keep an eye on their blood glucose levels.

Learn more about which RPM device is ideal for each chronic disease.»

Early identification, tailored treatment, and patient engagement are essential for effective chronic disease management. Remote patient monitoring in chronic disease management promotes all three factors to reduce healthcare costs and maximize patient outcomes. Are your healthcare partners interested in adopting remote patient monitoring at your clinic? Get in touch with Tenovi, your remote health monitoring company. Our consultants will answer any questions and provide you with a free demo. Tenovi is a better experience for patients, physicians, and your team. 

Want to dig deeper? Get our FREE quick start guide to understanding RPM.

Learn how remote patient monitoring works, device and platform features, and how to seamlessly connect with fulfillment and data APIs. 

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