5 Reasons New RPM Research Deserves Your Attention

new remote patient monitoring research

Are you searching for new remote patient monitoring research and innovations but also short on time? As a healthcare industry professional, staying current on recent studies and advances in remote health is essential. But with over 2.9 million scientific articles published in 2020 alone, how can you keep up?

This is where Tenovi’s weekly research roundup comes in. Tenovi summarizes the new remote patient monitoring research, studies, and guidelines to keep you informed. Whether you work in software, services, chronic care management, or any telehealth field, Tenovi’s weekly Roundup has the vital updates you need.

New Remote Patient Monitoring Research & Why It Matters

Exponential growth in telehealth and Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices makes remote patient monitoring an expanding field. As more patients use RPM tools, professionals need the latest research and best practices.

Here are 5 reasons new remote patient monitoring research should be on your weekly agenda.

5 Reasons You Need the Latest Research 

Insider Intelligence estimates that 26.2% of the U.S. population will use remote patient monitoring tools by 2025. Exponential growth in remote health solutions has increased demand for RPM cellular and Bluetooth devices throughout the healthcare industry. Technological advances in RPM tools and expanded Medicare reimbursement updates are published repeatedly throughout the year. As of March 2021, ClinicalTrials.gov alone receives about 4.5 million visitors monthly.

Massive data output makes it hard to keep up with important remote patient monitoring and telemedicine research, especially if you need access to remote health publishing services. Staying on top of recent studies and research helps define long-term company and career goals, but there’s much more it can do for you.

Here are 5 reasons you must stay on top of the latest research in remote patient monitoring. 

1) Identify New Opportunities 

In a survey of 1000 health plan members across the U.S., 65% of all members with a chronic condition reported that managing their chronic disease increased anxiety, depression, or both. Current research helps reveal software, services, workflow gaps, and new methods to better support patients managing chronic care conditions. It also sparks ideas for new methods, efficiency, and improved user experiences.

Effective literature reviews can help you find detailed RPM topics. Yet reviews are broad enough to help you have practical and evidence-based conversations with stakeholders interested in implementing remote patient monitoring technologies. 

2)  Keep Your Partners Informed

Sharing new findings, cost-effective technologies, and simplified platforms can encourage your partners and clients to increase remote patient monitoring adoption. When you are educated about new, cost-effective ways of simplifying the patient user experience, you can provide your clients with data to increase the effectiveness of their remote patient monitoring programs. 

In addition, remaining current on literature in the digital health industry helps you better support your partners and teammates with new innovative options for better remote patient monitoring experiences. With Tenovi’s weekly research, study, and news updates, you’ll save time browsing article summaries. 

3) Stay Ahead of Developments

By regularly reviewing the latest studies and trials, you’ll be the first to know about new approaches, innovations, strengths, and limitations in the industry. This vital insight informs planning and strategy. You’ll learn what data and resources are available to work with and what limitations you need to understand and address. Again, topic knowledge leads to better communication with your clients. 

4) Enhance Patient Care

When you implement evidence-based best practices revealed in new remote patient monitoring research, patients ultimately receive improved support through remote monitoring programs. Staying current allows you to:

  • Evaluate new methods to predictively identify at-risk patients who would benefit from enrollment in RPM programs.
  • Test expanded use cases for RPM in chronic condition management, post-discharge care, senior care, and more.
  • Apply research learnings to reduce hospital readmissions, improve medication adherence, and increase patient engagement with their health.
  • Leverage the latest behavior change techniques to drive patient chronic disease management.

5) Drive Product Enhancements

Studying user experiences, preferences, and pain points uncovered in new studies can directly guide remote monitoring hardware, software, and analytics enhancements.

This includes:

  • Using patient feedback to simplify remote monitoring platforms and Improve user experience.
  • Adding new sensor capabilities and increasing connected device integrations.
  • Incorporating predictive algorithms and machine learning for smarter, customized notifications and interventions.
  • Providing expanded reporting and analytics around utilization, outcomes, and program optimization.
  • Building options for more configurable programs and rules for specific use cases.

Regularly reviewing the latest research and development, you gain insights to build better remote patient monitoring solutions.

New Remote Patient Monitoring Research & Why It Matters

Staying current with the new remote patient monitoring research is essential for anyone in the healthcare industry. Regular review of emerging evidence, technologies, and best practices informs strategy, uncovers opportunities, and ultimately leads to better patient care. With the field rapidly evolving, professionals who make new remote patient monitoring research an ongoing weekly learning priority will maintain their competitive edge.

Tenovi provides research summary updates each week. Simply scroll down to sign up to receive this Monday’s update!

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RPM Quick Start

Learn how remote patient monitoring works, device and platform features, and how to seamlessly connect with fulfillment and data APIs. 

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